Quick Takes on Recent Films

 I saw a slew of movies recently that are up or will be considered for Oscars. Here is my ranking of the ones I saw. From least favorite to best film.

4. Maestro-Bradley Cooper is riding off of his success directing and starring in A Star is Born. I had high hopes for a film about Leonard Bernstein, but I found that the movie was unfocused. Bernstein's music was dropped into scenes and didn't fit in with the action that was going on. The script was focused on the relationship between Bernstein and his wife. His career as a conductor and his penchant for men were dropped in, but you didn't know how that made him as a person. I felt that either a queer filmmaker or actor should have been in this movie. Carey Mulligan was fantastic though!
3. May December- It had good acting moments, but I really wanted to focus more on Gracie and Joe than Rebecca. It just felt like a tired schtick of an actor who wanted to absorb themself into a subject they were fascinated by. When Joe has that moment with Gracie where he says he thinks he was too young and questions whether he should have engaged in a relationship; Gracie's answer "You came onto me" was quite chilling. I wanted more moments like that instead of Rebecca, the actress trying to imitate Gracie.
2. Nyad- This was not a great movie at all and I felt the filmmakers were remiss in not discussing the fact that Nyad's swim record was called into question. I expected more from Annette Bening, she was fine but I didn't think the writing gave her much to work with. The one actor I was most impressed with was Jodie Foster. She is the reason you should watch this movie. We just need more Jodie Foster in our lives! I realized how much I miss her in films. I'm glad she did this and will be starring in the new season of True Detective.
1. American Fiction- While I'm not sure this is a great film or Oscar worthy, I do have to say it's entertaining, well written, and features a great set of actors. You think the movie is going to focus on one thing but also manages to incorporate caring for elderly parent, loss, and family.


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