Oh boy, them Dodgers!

I know how all you Dodgers fans must feel. We're all disappointed they didn't make it to the playoffs. The only consolation is that there's always next season. I have to give some props to a few of the players.

First, gotta hand it to Russell Martin. Love watching him play. He does a little bit of everything. He can do home runs, steal, get people out, and make amazing plays like almost falling into the dugout head first to catch a ball. He deserves all the awards he's gotten. I look forward to seeing him next year. Although he's at the top of my list for players I want to meet in person. Doesn't hurt that he dazzles these eyes!

Second, Juan Pierre is a must keep. There's been a lot of talk about the younger players this season, but I don't think people should count out the vets. Juan Pierre is another player that I feel is exciting to watch. He stole 61 bases this year, and he is one of the hardest players to strike-out. So you can guarantee he will hit the ball.

Another player I hope the Dodgers will keep around is David Wells. He was a pitcher for the San Diego Padres, but they let him go and the Dodgers snatched him up. There's no denying that this man still has the spark in him. He has struck players out, and somehow manages to make base hits, sometimes even doubling. That's a real asset that this team could use. Hope somebody is wise enough to resign this guy.

Now on to the newbies. Out of all the newbies James Loney has really stepped up his game. He's hit homers and has proven to be a good first baseman. Can't wait to see where he goes from here. A few of the newbies that they need to have in regular rotation are Hu, Young and Moeller. I think Moeller should be the back-up catcher. Since Hu has been playing regularly in the last few games I notice he makes hits and can make some good plays. Young looks like he has the potential to follow in the footsteps of Loney.

Well, that's all I have to say for the 2007 season for the Dodgers. It was a real treat watching them play and I feel like only good things are in store for them.


Linda said…
I just have two words for you....GO PADRES!!!!!!!
Tanya L said…
Sorry, Linda but your Padres got knocked out by the Rockies! :-)

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