Revisiting the Hills Season 1

 I realized that I missed watching Season 2 of The Hills: New Beginnings. After finishing it, I went back to watch the OG series. Several things stood out rewatching the series again. I'm going to focus my thoughts on Season 1, because I just completed it. 

First off, you can tell off the bat that Heidi is very immature. She's enrolled in college; yet, she can't bother to go to class or finish school. Then she complains when she gets a f/t job, and considers quitting because it's too much work. Was she expecting her parents to pick up the tab for her whole life? But I guess that's how life is for you when you come from a privileged life. 

Second, Whitney and Lauren are the true BFF's of the series. The way they look out for each other on the job. They are both serious about the internships and their careers. I loved when Whitney got opportunity to walk the runway, when a model didn't show up for the show. It does seem like some of the things that happen on the job are a set up to cause drama. Lauren conveniently forgets that she is supposed to guard a sofa, and not hang out with friends while on the job. Kelly Cutrone telling Lauren that she can't give her extra tickets unless she knows the name of the Vogue editors who are coming to the runway show. The intern/job interviews seemed like the most easiest interviews ever conducted. I'm not sure how Lauren or Heidi sold themselves on the job, so I really do believe they were hired to get publicity for their respective work sites.

Third, how intense the Lauren and Jason relationship was. It was so volatile at times. Jason getting upset because Lauren had to work with male models. It was really easy to tell the writing was on the wall for their relationship. It was for sure a young love type situation. It also seemed obvious at the one dinner scene that Jason had gone off to do or score drugs. 

My last thought on this season is I didn't buy the friendship between Heidi and Lauren at the beginning. It wasn't until Heidi took Lauren home after Lauren and Jason's dust up on New Year's that I really saw their friendship. Lauren was also a good friend by having Heidi's back when she broke up with Jordan. I know Season 2 will be the beginning of the end of this friendship, but I don't think Lauren really lost much. Heidi is really self-absorbed and one of those that would always drop their friend for their guy. Not cool!


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