Precious: The Case for why you should see this movie

Recently, I had this conversation with somone. I told them that I really enjoyed "Precious" and recommended that they go see it. The person responded, "I don't think I would want to see that. It's too intense." I feel that the time has come for somebody to read between the lines and call some folks out. The reason why most people are hesistant about Precious is because it depicts a life full of abuse, rape, and poverty. Things that truly happen here in America. I was reading an article on Entertainment Weekly about how the box office has slowed for Precious. Several people kept saying that they preferred "The Blind Side" because it was a more uplifting movie. I think they like "The Blind Side", because it portrays an America they want to see and believe in. They want a world where racism and poverty are briefly mentioned, tucked away in a corner to be forgotten. Yeah, you can feel good about a world where you can shove its ugliest elements to the dark recesses of your mind. The fact is that all the horrible things that Precious suffers through in the movie could happen to anyone. It doesn't matter your race, sex, or religion. One of the shows I've been watching is called "Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew". One of the patients recounted that she was molested at age five, raped three times, and had a boyfriend who put a gun to her head. She's white and seems to have come from a middle class background. This goes to show abuse knows no boundaries and can affect anyone.
Here's my reason why you should see this film despite any misgivings you have. Gabourey Sidibe takes you through a journey with her character. She starts out as this angry girl who doesn't care about school. She evolves into a woman who wants a better life for herself and her kids. A person that pulls themselves up by their boot straps and never gives up. How is this not uplifting? What is not American about that?


Cachuma said…
I very much enjoyed precious. The story is true to life and doesn't pull any punches. It touched me deeply in many ways, and though i was slightly disturbed by the use of the very old term mongoloid and the child being called mongo, i understood where the characters were coming from. I also very much appreciated the portrayal of the lack of knowldge many have when it comes to A.I.D.S. in this country and the positive couragous light they shed on those living with the virus, as well as same sex couples. I highly recommend this film,

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