The Reader- A rather perplexing journey

I watched the movie The Reader last Friday and it left me perplexed. I'm unsure about how I feel about the film and the way it approached its subject. The film is about a young boy who has an affair with an older woman. Later on in his life he happens upon her trial and he is keeping a secret of his own. I think the film brought up a lot of tough questions and I'm not sure if there is a good answer or a perfect response.

1. Would it be possible for someone who was a Nazi guard, who was responsible for the deaths of Jewish prisoners to achieve some sort of forgiveness? Can this person be redeemed?

2. Could that same person ever re-enter society and function as a normal human being?

3. Is the next generation doomed to repeat or doomed to forget the past?

Watch the movie and let me know what your thoughts are.


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