Unnecessary Protest

I'm disturbed by the idea that the Catholic League feels it necessary to boycott the movie The Golden Compass. I have listened to the whole trilogy on audio book, and I have never felt so many emotions from a book. The author Phillip Pullman is an atheist. I do see their point about the book having an anti-religious bent, but there is so much more to the book then that. The ultimate theme of the book is love. You have parents sacrificing themselves for their child. You have a girl and a boy learning what love is. I don't see how this is a good reason not to see a movie. I believe I read somewhere that they didn't bother to read the book or see the movie, before they started the boycott. I'm a firm believer that just because you read, watch, listen to music, movies and books doesn't mean it will influence your behavior. After listening the trilogy I didn't feel like I hated religion or the Catholic church because of it. I was more compelled by the characters in the story and the sacrifices they made. It also reminded me of what love is suppose to be about.

Check this link out to read a very well-written letter on the topic http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071212/LETTERS/71212002


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