Poor sportsmanship at the Olympics
I feel like this is a topic that needs to be addressed and is directed at all the athletes. I seem to be reading rather frequently tales of whining about losing and displays of bad sportsmanship. To add more salt to the wound is reading or watching newscasters engage in this behavior themselves by either paying lip service or chiming in. I find this disgraceful and it has made me decide to give up on the Olympics as long as NBC is broadcasting it. Trust me I don't change my mind easily. Let me lay my case down. 1. U.S. Olympics team's coach accuses Chinese team of having under aged gymnasts. She called them babies. Watching this part of the competition it seemed like the Chinese and U.S. were neck in neck and that it would be the mistakes that would cost either team the gold. Well, U.S. made some huge mistakes on the vault and floor exercises. One thing my 6th grade teacher had taught me was that it didn't matter if we won it mattered if we were good sports. I've read t...